
List of physics phenomena
List of physics phenomena

It is the process that powers the sun, which gives the heat and light necessary for life to be possible on Earth. Other examples are the electric current, the thermal current, the water flow from the highest to the lowest, etc. The diffusion of gases allows us to breathe the oxygen that the plants create.

list of physics phenomena

This phenomenon does so many things that it is impossible to enumerate them.


The fact that energy can not be created or destroyed also means that we can not get free energy without doing the work. It is a simple principle that allows us to predict how much energy we can get from a machine. The conservation of energy allowed physicists and engineers to develop theoretical models and build machines to exploit nature. Without sound, we would not have a music nor would we be able to communicate talking. Sound is a wave that circulates through the air and other materials. Refraction is what allows us to look through magnifying lenses, Microscopes And telescopes to discover the much smaller wonders or much further away from us. Diffraction is what forms the rainbows Reflection is what allows us to see ourselves in the mirror. Light is a wave, so it experiences diffraction, reflection and refraction. This is why astronauts have to wear space suits in space (leaving aside exposure to radiation). If we did not have air pressure, the internal blood pressure would cause our human bodies to explode. Gravity is a physical phenomenon that holds everything together and makes life possible on Earth. If there were no gravity, we would all be floating and not tethered to the surface of the Earth, without any atmosphere.

list of physics phenomena

All things fall to the ground, and this has been taken for granted until it came Isaac Newton. Without gravity, it would be impossible to walk, jump, ski or dive. Examples of physical phenomena 1- Gravity These changes produce one or more new bodies, materials or substances, since the molecular structure is modified.

list of physics phenomena

It should not be confused with a chemical phenomenon, which refers to the permanent and irreversible change of a body, matter or substance.

List of physics phenomena